The paperback is available!! Go HERE to grab your copy. Thanks again for all the book love!

It’s a weight loss book, yes, and it’s the tip of the iceberg. Here is what I want for those of you who are distracted by food and hunger. PEACE!

That is the whole point of all of this.

Think about the extra time you would have if you took away all the time that you spend worrying about food, being hungry, worrying that you might get hungry, wondering if there will be food. I’m thinking you could have those extra hours back in your day that you’ve always wished for!

It’s a lot of time. It’s not totally wasted, it really is your brain trying to keep you alive, but it’s not really productive because what your brain doesn’t know is FOOD IS EVERYWHERE! That lower, lizard part that wants to keep you safe and alive has no idea.

You have to calm that guy down!

One problem for a lot of my clients, and this was true for me too, is they really do have real physical hunger all they time. They have lots of fat on their bodies they could be using for fuel but their bodies don’t know how to utilize it so they always have to eat to satisfy their need for energy.

You may have been making yourself wrong for being hungry, judging yourself for needing to eat all the time even though and especially because you are overweight. You may be wondering why you can’t eat like normal people? They seem to do it, and survive, and not keep getting bigger, so why can’t you do that?

All of our bodies are different, our hormones are different, our habits are different. I really hope that you’ll give your body a chance to make things good with you. It has not done this on purpose – if you’ve being trying to be good, to count points and eat low fat your body was set up to fail – even though your brain really thought you were doing the right things.

Here’s what you can do now:

Step 1: Read the book (many of you have already done this, move to step two!)

Step 2: Give up flour and sugar

Step 3: See what happens.

I think you’ll have one of these four results:

  1. It’s easy, feels amazing and you are set. CONGRATULATIONS!
  2. You decide you like the way you eat, you have no interest in giving up flour or sugar and you’re all set. Awesome, you’re done!
  3. You do it for about 2 weeks, while hanging on for dear life, and then start eating flour and sugar again. Don’t make yourself wrong for this. Making these shifts is no small feat and you have a lot of habits and physiological reasons this could be hard. Email me then, let me know what it was like and I’m happy to give you some tips to get the ball rolling again.
  4. Or, you’re like me. This idea is scary, impossible, and crazy – but you’re curious and you want to do it… maybe… I had help when I did this, now that’s what I do. Email me if you want to find out how this can be doable for you too.

Go get some peace, on a bed of greens with some fat on top. Hold the bread.
