I Know What You’re Thinking

I had this idea a few weeks ago that people were seeing me and thinking that I’ve never struggled with my weight. I figured this is true because that is exactly what I would have thought if I saw me now.

“She’s just naturally thin.” “There’s another one of those weight loss coaches who’s just going to tell me to eat vegetables and exercise, blah blah blah.” I can totally see it!

Then it happened, a comment made almost under someones breath, because it was so true it barely deserved the volume of the rest of our conversation, “Well, you know, you’re like me, we’ve just always been this size.”

“Wait what? Can you say that again?” (Part of me wanted to hear it for fun, the other part because I couldn’t believe she was actually saying out loud what I had been wondering about.) “You know, because we’ve just always been the same size, we can end up with clothes that are so old we just need to throw them away, but they still fit.”

Yeah, no. …but isn’t that fun to think about?!

Think about how fun it would be for someone to make that comment to you. How long do you think it would take? I’ll set up some math (I know, EEK! Math!)

For example: Say you weigh 200 pounds and you’re 5’6”. Goal weight is 135 based on those charts you see (and usually think are total bogus – but work with me!).

200 – 135 = 65 pounds to lose.

Healthy weight loss is about 6 pounds per month, so 65 / 6= just about 11. So, in 11 months you’d be at goal weight, then you’d get all your clothes figured out, you’d be comfortable in your skin, and someone would think “She’s just always been that way.” No big deal.

NO BIG DEAL!? I know. It would be a big deal, it would be a HUGE. So fun.


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