It’s a practice.

Yoga. Writing. Brushing your teeth.

Do you have a practice now that used to seem like a far off or impossible dream?

When I was 6 I could NOT imagine brushing my teeth TWICE a day EVERY DAY!? Now, it’s like no problem. Sometimes I do it more than twice!

Now I do Yoga once a week – and I have for a few years. When did THAT happen? I don’t do it to lose weight or to wear my fancy yoga gear. I do it because when I do, I feel more like me. When I don’t, I don’t feel as good in my body or in my life.

What’s next on your list?


PS: I think it is important to note that I didn’t have a yoga practice until I found the right teacher – for me.  I think that’s true for many things in life and important to notice.  There are times and places, and people that are right for you at times and not at others.  If you have given up on something after only trying a few teachers/coaches/classes I hope you’ll get curious instead of being hard on yourself.

What are the things you say you want to do but haven’t done?  What could be different if you tried it with someone new or tried it in a new way?  Or let it all go?  Maybe you never really wanted to do yoga – you just wanted the cool pants.

(This is my buddy Brie, yoga on tap, yoga on tables, yoga in Eugene!  If you want to join me for a class – shoot me a message!  We’d love to yoga with you.)


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