This is the fourth in a series of six posts that mirror the process of weight coaching. This session is about finding your fuel.

It bugs me when people tell me what to eat ______ so that I can _______. Really? What do you know about me? How do you know what I like, what tastes good to me, what makes me feel good in my skin?
They don’t, and that’s why it bugs me! Don’t get me wrong, I love outsourcing things that can easily be done by someone else so I can save some time – but fueling my body is not one of those things.

I’m going to share a few things that may shock you. 1. I can’t stand eating oatmeal for breakfast. 2. I eat eggs everyday. 3. I feel really good about that.

I don’t think that means you need to quit eating oatmeal and get chickens – but I do think that it means you have to question what works for you. Think about what you eat for breakfast – what are the food rules you are following (even if at first you don’t think you are following them… Give it some thought, why did you start eating that breakfast, what do you think that breakfast is doing for you?)? There is usually some reason for it and it typically has roots in some external source.

What would you eat for breakfast if you could choose any food in the world? And nobody cared? And it made you feel like getting up and going for a walk after? What would that be?

That is what we do in this session – start to find the food that fuels your body. Not Dr. Oz’s body, or his latests experts body. Your body.

What are you actually hungry for?

Be well,


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