It’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself

Would you believe me if I told you I am thankful to have had “the struggle” in my life? Yep.  Super awesome. Had I not had “the struggle” how would I have gotten to do all this amazing work on and for myself?  The figuring it out, the self care, the learning how to coach […]

What about popcorn?

What about popcorn? What about? Can I eat it? You can eat anything you want, but why would you eat it? I like it. It’s movie night. I’m going to be with my daughter… Right, so not for fuel then? Oh. I get it. You totally get it! If you have to ask – you […]

The Other “F” Word

“So, what DO I eat?!” This great question came after last weeks post – and right on time. Let’s answer it today: Eat fat. It’s the other “f” word. The most satisfying and calorie dense thing you can ingest. Are you nervous? Don’t be. Though, if you are, I don’t blame you. We’ve been fat […]

Which direction are you going?

If you’re not evolving, you’re devolving. What? WHAT?! I got that intellectually awhile back. Then this morning while I was coaching myself I really GOT it. Over a year ago I hired the best coach I know, she scares me, in a good way. That was worth a lot at the time. She doesn’t scare […]

Interested in Smaller Pants?

I’m writing a book on weight loss for busy people who travel for work. They’ve tried and failed at diets, they’ve messed up their metabolisms, or they are just tired of overeating all the time. I know. Super specific. Really though, it’s a book for anyone who wants to lose weight. I just love working […]