There is a HUGE flaw in how we are thinking about things. At least for me, most people I know, and pretty much everyone I coach, or meet on the street.

I don’t know about you, though, you may the the lucky one who has this nailed already!

It’s the great flaw in the idea of being “done.”

There is no done! Or, there is, but it exists in the same way that “not done” does – only in your mind.

Completion is a decision, and another decision, and another decision – followed by action.

We don’t get marked “done!” Just like we don’t get granted “permission.” You just are, or you aren’t. You do, or you don’t. You decide. You make it up. You assign meaning, relief, value, fill in the blank.

Don’t wait. That thing you’re waiting to complete may get “done” but the next thing will be there waiting to take it’s place. You probably already know what that next thing is.

You can spend your whole life waiting to be “done” to finally do what you want to do, or you can agree to do things anyway. To live in a world where “done” isn’t the thing that holds you back anymore.

I invite you to go to work. Do something. Not because you’re done with something else – but because you want it. The quickest way to prove your brain wrong about what you can do is to DO the thing it thinks it can’t.

Take action. Do that thing so you can be that person who proceeds anyway. Who doesn’t believe the comfortable lie that things will get better on the other side.

This is the only side.
Get to work!