Uncomfortable: causing or feeling slight pain or physical discomfort.
Unfamiliar: not known or recognized.*

When you start something new or different you may feel uncomfortable and we aren’t always sure we can do discomfort. We aren’t sure we will make it work, or even survive. We don’t always believe – in ourselves or in the process. We often stop what we are doing to avoid feeling uncomfortable, avoiding the new ‘uncomfortable’ in order to stay in the uncomfortable we know.

What you may also choose to feel is unfamiliar. It is different, it feels different in your body and brings different thoughts to your brain. I find fun, curiosity and energy in ‘unfamiliar’ that I don’t find in discomfort.

Doing new things may bring either one of these feelings or both of them. I invite you, when it is safe, to choose unfamiliar. To trade in the discomfort that you know for something new. You can do unfamiliar. You can do new things. You can do things you tried before and quit – and do them in a new way.

What would be different? What outcomes will be available for you now, that discomfort kept you from in the past?

Who are you going to be? I think you are someone who can do hard things. I want to hear about them.

Be in touch,

*Definitions from Google

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