I’ve been sitting with a thought all day:

“Your job is just to believe it’s possible.”

I can’t get it out of my head!  It’s stuck in my thoughts… Keeps popping back up and saying “Hello!”

My only job is to believe it’s possible.

What does that mean?  What does it mean for you?  For me?  For any of us?!

There are no to-do lists to check off.  Nothing needed.  There’s just belief in the thing.  The thought that it is possible.  Whoa.

So, what do you want?!

…and can you hold the belief that it is possible?

Say you want to lose 20 pounds and finally look great in the jeans you bought on that trip…  Or maybe you want to meet the man of your dreams… Or maybe you just want a tidy house.

All you have to do is believe – and then do the work of getting out of the way.  

I’m not sure which is more hard: Daring to believe in the possibility of creating what you want or doing the work to make it happen.

Hit reply and tell me what your thing is.  I’d love to know what you’re working on creating, working on believing.  

I want to believe it for you too.

Happy Sunday,




Photo Credit: Photo by Lua Valentia