I was talking with a client yesterday about closing the gap. You know what it is… that gap that exists between future self (the woman out in the future who lives your dream life) and current self.

I kind of don’t like how simple it is, because isn’t it always those simple things that are so hard!  Closing the gap is just the act of repeatedly doing what she, the future self, would do.


It’s doing tiny things differently so frequently, that eventually you are that next version of you.


That’s it.  It could look like:


(Ummm… Yes, the are ALL examples from my life!)

But, back to our coaching call though.  Here is the deal.


If you know better, you have to do better.  Maya Angelou taught us that.


Current you has to figure out how to do better for the future you.  Current you has to do the daily work of becoming her.  


One small tweak at a time.  


And when you KNOW that doing something a certain way will make everything work better, and will make you feel better – you are right – and you have to honor that.


That’s it.


The hard part is the doing different.  It’s hard to change habits!  I get it.  I’m always working on changing a few of them myself.


I want you to know it can be done.  Yes, it requires effort – everything worth doing requires effort.  I want you to think about what you’re going to make it mean when it gets hard.


Think about it.  It’s Sunday afternoon.  You’re finally a bit rested from your busy week.  You have enough energy to enjoy yourself doing something fun – and your calendar says you need to slice cabbage and make salads for work.

No thanks!

…and that’s the normal and expected response!  Of course yourself in the peaceful Sunday afternoon moment doesn’t want to deal with your hungry, lunch eating, self of Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, dang it!


Expect that.


It’s okay.


Nothing is wrong with you.


Do it anyway.




To your future self,



PS: Comment below and let me know if you want to know when the next round of “Gone for Good: 6 Weeks to Permanent Weight Loss” starts up.  I’ll make sure you’re in the loop!