Well hello there!  I had to pop in, like I do, and say HAPPY SUNDAY!

I am so glad you are here.  Seriously.

You know, last week when y’all emailed, called, Facebook-ed, and private messaged me about the newsletter?  That was awesome.  If you missed, you should totally check it out… (Pun intended!)

Okay, now down to the meat and potatoes – because yes, you can eat potatoes!  I want to talk about what you get away with.

I’ve been playing with this a lot lately.  There’s choosing what to go after and create and then there’s what I can “get away with.”  Two very different things that create very different results.

It’s like overeating at dinner one night and then having some extra cheese, nuts, and a glass of pinot because well, shit already hit the fan!  Then, getting on the scale the next morning to “What?! I lost a pound?!”  Insert the thought: “I got away with it.”

What does that make you feel?  Me:  Rebellious.

It’s sort of fun, because “Ooh, I got away with it!”  But it’s also like, wait a minute!  I ate against my own will and the scale is telling me to be happy but I know I didn’t do what I said I’d do.  Why do I feel awkward?!

Mixed signals.

So, what are you “getting away with” that’s actually just a weird way of throwing yourself under the bus?  

Think about it, maybe it’s nothing, but, maybe it’s something.  I totally want to know what it is.  Hit reply and tell me! I can’t wait to hear from you…
