I had one of those aha thoughts yesterday; the kind you can tell is a keeper right away…

Skinny is a feeling.

Say what?!  


It doesn’t come from a number on the tag inside of your jeans.

It’s not a number that pops up on the scale.

It’s not a compliment from your partner or your mother or your friend.



Here is why the Oprah voice is necessary.   We choose our feelings!  So that means, you can feel skinny anytime – you just have to think the thoughts that produce the feeling!

So, no matter what you weigh you get to be skinny.

I know you know what I mean because every one of my clients has had that morning where they wake up feeling amazing.  Lithe.  Really in their skin.  They’ve been being “good” and they are practically dancing to the scale to see that number, the PROOF that they are as skinny as they feel…

And the scale lies to them and says “Nope. Not skinny yet.”


Skinny evaporates under the weight of the pumpkin spice latte you pick up on your way to work because “Why bother, I’ll never be “skinny” anyway.”

But you were!  This very morning you were!

I am.  I am not at goal weight this morning but I AM SKINNY!  You know how I know?  Because I can FEEL IT!

Does this make sense – I fear it’s one of those aha moments that makes sense to me but only me.  Hit reply and tell me if you get it or don’t get it.  I’d love to know.


PS: 23-Days of Intention-Mas (Like Christ-mas and Mas, like more… More Intention!)  has started.  I’m doing one facebook live a day where I’m talking about intention and how what you are doing and how you are being right now can support the feelings you WANT to feel on Christmas or throughout the holiday season.

My feelings are Generous and Open.  What do you want to feel?

Come say HI in the videos!


Photo by Jason Wong