Dear Future Self, 

You got me so far!  You motivated me, showed me the way, and shared so much wisdom.  Thank you!

…I’m so sorry I dumped you!  And right when things were really getting good.  My bad.

I know, I know!  I always do that.  I do what works and then get where I was headed and take a seat right down in the midst of it all to look squarely back in the wrong direction for motivation/inspiration/and eventual failure.  (So dramatic, but really, pretty accurate!)

I’m certain I’ve learned this lesson before and I’m fairly certain I’ll learn it again, dang it…

What I know  is that I have to stay connected to what I’m creating, not look back at what iIve done and hope that things will keep changing for the better.

The “better” is out front, it isn’t behind me.  I can’t look at my past to create the future – I have to create the future out where it lives!

I have actively cultivate the life that I want to live with my focus out there, in my future, where you live.

I know that intellectually and I can feel it in my bones but I don’t always “get it.”  I get distracted, or maybe too big for my britches.  Whatever it is I stop doing what works and get all weird and grasp-y about things that once were infused with grace.

So anyway, I’m back.  Again.  With my gaze firmly planted out in front and headed your way!  Grounded in the REALity that the best way for me to do the here and now is to have you as my constant companion and guide.

Thank you, future self, for being there – even after I drop you like a hot potato  every time things get exciting.  You are steadfast and patient, I don’t deserve you – but I can’t evolve without you.

Big love,


I work with women who want to shed the weight of the food and diet struggle so they can actively become the person they’ve put off becoming.

If that’s you, I want to hear from you, tell me:
  1. What you’re waiting for.
2. and why.

I look forward to it!
