I want to teach you a little self-coaching trick that I love.

I ask my clients to do this to help them get at what is going on.  Not what it looks like is going on but what is REALLY going on. You know, the good stuff!

So, let’s say I’ve been trying to lose 10 pounds but it’s not happening.  

I ask myself the first “Why?” Then I answer it.  Here is an example of the 5 Why’s in action:

“Why have I not lost these 10 pounds?”

It’s just not as easy as last time.  I tried – I make it few down and then I pop right back up.  Maybe my body wants to be this weight.

Then I ask it again (yes, you might be getting annoyed, but you get over it) “Why?”

Because it is comfortable?  That’s not true though, it’s actually pretty uncomfortable.


Because what I have to do to stay at this weight doesn’t make me feel as good as what I get to do to be 10 pounds lighter.  I feel better down there…


Okay, so I want it, it feels better, AND I’m not making it happen.  That’s annoying.  I’m getting in my own way again, dang it! So, why am I doing that?…  Because I don’t believe. I’m afraid to hope again. What if it doesn’t work?

If it doesn’t work – then I’ll be right where I am!  So, the worst that can happen is I’ll be exactly the same.  So, is that what I’ve been afraid of?  Staying the same?  And it’s keeping me the same?



It’s scary to go for it.  To put the stake in the ground again.  To claim it.


Ah – vulnerability.  There it is again!  That feeling I never want to feel but when I do everything changes for the better… Sheesh.

So, that is essentially it. Super easy, right? No worksheet needed, no special journal, just a little bit of time and curiosity and the willingness to dive deep in service of your goals.


You’ve got this.  Go ahead, give it a try!  If it helps, comment below and let me know!  I’d love to read it.



PS:  Individual coaching spots for 2018 are limited.  If you want to end emotional overeating I hope you’ll sign up for a consult this month so we can get you scheduled and ready to roll for after the holidays.  

Click here to schedule your consult!




Photo by Aaron Burden