Hello Friends!

How are you?  Are you good?  I hope you are.  Then again, 50% of life is negative emotion – so if you’re just content, or maybe frustrated that’s okay too.  It’s just how it’s supposed to happen.

I was talking with a client this week about a trap that I fall into that I was wondering if she fell into and it made me think of you.

Do you do this too?

When I am about to get sick I’m really tired and draggy, I’m all annoyed with myself about it and I’m 100% convinced that life should be different than it is.  I SHOULD have more energy, I SHOULD be getting more done, I SHOULD be FINE!

Right?  (and those damned should’s again!)

Then, it becomes clear that I am sick and after more time than it should take me to just give in and rest – I finally do.  And it’s all fine, and hindsight is 20/20, and I’m on the couch watching House of Cards, in peace.

What is wrong with this picture?  And no, it’s not that I’m a life coach and I should have this all figured out – I don’t, I have my own coach to help me work on things just like this!

It’s that when I fight with reality it never works!  I never win.  I can expect the same results each time I do it and yet, I still do it.  WHY!?!?!?!?!?!  It’s the way I’m relating to my body.

What if I was like “Hmmm… I feel really tired and draggy.  I need some rest.  Where can I do that, what can I drop or delegate so I can take care of myself here?”

What would be different?  (No, you don’t get to judge yourself for resting!)

What would be possible if I didn’t wage war on reality and just accepted it?

I think it would feel more peaceful.  I think I would actually use less energy because I wouldn’t be fighting.  Sometimes my body knows better than my brain.

There were a lot of years that my body felt like the enemy, but the deal is, there’s no getting through this life without it so I’ve decided to love the damn thing just as it is.  Even when it’s hard.  Even when I think it SHOULD be different.

Do you know what I mean?  Do you feel like an alien in your body sometimes?  Do you want to feel more like your insides match your outsides?  I do.

Let’s do that.  Contact me, I want to hear about what is going on for you.

Big Love,
