If you’re anything like me you’re really good at making what you do right or wrong – pretty much without even trying.

There are the “good” things you do, and the “bad” things.

What if, like we talked about last week, they were just habits? Yes, we’re having thoughts about them – but what if we didn’t have to be wrong because of it.

You’re habits got you here, brought you right to this very moment. It was all meant to happen this way. How do we know?

Because it’s exactly how it happened.

You can try to shame/blame/guilt yourself ‘better’ but I have to tell you I’ve never seen it produce the results you’re after. Peace, freedom, and enjoyment…

If you want to feel those feelings you have to get there with, you guessed it, peace, freedom, and enjoyment – present all along the way.

This is the hardest and most important part of the weight loss/goal weight journey for me and for many of my clients. You see, we are in the habit of feeling bad about our bodies or our lives so it’s really easy to keep up the habit of feeling bad – even if we don’t want to. Just like it’s really easy to keep smoking even when you don’t want to, or keep going through the Starbucks drive through at 2:15 to get that afternoon-pick-me up cookie and latte.

There’s nothing wrong with ANYTHING. There are just your thoughts about it and how you make your thoughts feel.

I want to know what is your primary thought about your body or weight that keeps you weighed down? Can you tell what it is? There might be a few of them so feel free to share 2 or 3. Contact me here and tell me what’s up, I have a feeling we can create some relief for you through a couple of emails.

Are you in? Tell me everything.
