When creating a behavior chart for a child it is recommended that you put at least one thing on there that they already can do – regularly. Like a gimme.

Why? For all the obvious reasons. They see success, they get the sticker, they always have something to feel good about when looking at that chart…

The other important thing about behavior charts is that there shouldn’t be too many things on them at once. You should find one behavior you really want to see happening, and reward the heck out of them for every step along the way.

Do you do that for yourself in any part of your life? Do you reward yourself for the things that you do do well? Do you not put too many behavior changes on your plate at once?

Think about the one thing you most want to change in your life. (That you have control over – hint, it is something YOU can do and does not involve other people changing!)

Now, if you could create a chart, even if it is only in your mind, to support you in getting the behavior you want – what would be one it?

The gimme, the thing you always do well
The thing you do most of the time
The new behavior you want to see in your life

The final important thing about charts – the reward! Here is the catch, just like with kids, the reward has to match the individual. What is something you want, that would be fun to work towards? Keep in mind – 70%. If you are getting the star 70% of the time you are nailing it! Perfection doesn’t exist, not in kids and not in adults.

How would taking this approach be different than things you’ve tried in the past? What would be available to you here?

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