If you’re not evolving, you’re devolving.



I got that intellectually awhile back. Then this morning while I was coaching myself I really GOT it.

Over a year ago I hired the best coach I know, she scares me, in a good way. That was worth a lot at the time. She doesn’t scare me anymore which is too bad because that worked so well!

Now I have to scare myself.

I could keep switching from guru to master coach – but that’d be missing the point. I have to learn how to scare myself. I HAVE to figure out how to build huge strength in the “evolving” department.

I read a quote this week in a book that shook me, I wanted you to be able to try it on:

“You have to be able to risk your identity for a bigger future than the present you are living.” -Fernando Flores

Whoa Fernando, dropping truth bombs! It’s exactly what I’ve been thinking though. I have to be willing to off this version of myself to become the next version.

You have to be willing to become a different person in order to change. Sorry to sound so obvious, but I didn’t get that for a very long time. Now that I do – I can’t stop thinking about it and I don’t want to stop doing it.

So this morning I understood what I’ve known intellectually for awhile: If you’re not evolving your devolving. If you’re not pursuing the becoming, you are actively changing anyway – just not in the direction of your choosing, essentially, devolving.

You are changing in the direction of your habits, whatever they are. Do you think you’re at a stand still? Are you just waiting until the kids are gone, the work slows down, you get into that better house/life/situation?

Watch out. You may not be who you are now when you get to that perfect place to take action (spoiler alert – it doesn’t exist) and you definitely won’t make the decision you know you want to make right now, because you’ll be a different person who does different things.

Go and do and create what you know you need now, I urge you. You just may never have it in you again.

Does that scare you? I want it to a little bit (I’m smiling because I feel a little playful and challenging of you right now, but I say this with a deep respect for your future self.) If you’re not scared I hope it’s because you’re already actively evolving your life.

Be great my friend – it’s you’re job. (And if you don’t do it, the you I’m writing to will cease to exist. Yikes!)


PS: I’ve only got four individual coaching spots left in January – is one of them yours? Reply and let me know if you’re ready to quit hiding, achieve goal weight, and evolve your life faster than you can do on your own.

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