You’re still here! You stayed even though I don’t eat flour and sugar! I should have trusted you more, I should have known. I don’t know why I kept it a secret for so long… Maybe because of how hard I used to think it was to go without it…

Either way, it isn’t hard anymore, in fact, I love it. I helps me stay clear, calm, and focused – that I LOVE.

I think the thing that was scary for me about telling you was I didn’t want to scare you off. I didn’t want you to think I was one of “those people.” You know the ones, the ones who are super rigid with their eating and order special things off the menu and… I have to say though, I really don’t feel like one of those people, ordering off any restaurant menu is easy, and while I might be pretty black and white about what I eat, I’m not rigid about it. Most people don’t notice, and if they do, they’re usually pretty curious because they’ve seen me lose and maintain my weight loss.

If you want that for you too I hope you’ll read the book I have coming out next month – it gives you the step by step plan to get to goal weight. You do have to give up sugar though and I understand that that might make you nervous. I’d love to hear what you’re top two fears are, then I can make sure to cover them in the coming blog posts.

So let me know in the comments below your top two obstacles to giving up sugar and flour.



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